Main Characters of Spirit Animals Book 2 Hunted

Main Characters of Spirit Animals Book 2 Hunted

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 · ten,520 ratings  · 588 reviews
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Maggie Stiefvater
Nov 04, 2013 added it  · (Review from the author)
I put Highland cows in it, because that'due south how I coil. I put Highland cows in it, because that's how I scroll. ...more
jv poore
Jan 05, 2014 rated information technology it was amazing
The orphaned, scruffy, wise-cracking Rollan; the painted, oftentimes expressionless warrior Meilin; and Conor, the shepherd male child, had been tossed together without a selection. The small group was wary, at best. Abeke, with her baroque elephant hair bracelet; had been "tricked" into aligning with the power-hungry Conquerors, and was not a welcome addition to the trio.

The four youngsters had simply one thing in common, but information technology was paramount. Having recently come of age, sipped the sweet Nectar Ninani, each bon

The orphaned, scruffy, wise-cracking Rollan; the painted, oft expressionless warrior Meilin; and Conor, the shepherd boy, had been tossed together without a choice. The small group was wary, at best. Abeke, with her bizarre elephant pilus bracelet; had been "tricked" into aligning with the power-hungry Conquerors, and was not a welcome add-on to the trio.

The iv youngsters had only one affair in common, but information technology was paramount. Having recently come of historic period, sipped the sweetness Nectar Ninani, each bonded with, not just whatever spirit animal, but 1 of the Iv Fallen. In that location is just i tiny task. To save the world.

The success of the mission hinges on the cohesiveness of the team. The multi-faceted concept of trust is brilliantly displayed as Abeke must earn the trust of the grouping; Rollan must learn to trust, and Meilin must choose whether to trust her spirit beast or her own intuition.

This action-packed, mystery-filled adventure is completely captivating with colorful characters and carefully subconscious life lessons. Ms. Stiefvater's delightful descriptions of the determinedly cheerful Lord of Glengavin paints the picture of a red-bearded giant whole-heartedly, enthusiastically and unabashedly, displaying his wide range of emotions from toddler-like atmosphere tantrums to giddy joy.

Hope springs eternal as feisty Dawson, young sibling of the horrible Devin, craftily displays whose side he is truly on. His abrupt, almost apologetic, kindness is endearing and serves to soften the utter rottenness of his fellow Conquerors.

The mysterious, heavily tattooed Finn is the honey on this Nov-Block of a novel. The brunt of scouting for the quarreling new Greencloaks doesn't seem to rattle him. He patiently teaches them how to code; sending messages by pigeon. Gradually and quietly, his story is revealed. Subtle mentoring moments threaded throughout the adventure tie perfectly together at the story's end.

Of course, the concluding sentence isn't true. The author is Maggie Stiefvater. And Spirit Animals is a serial. Equally Hunted answers some questions, many mysteries remain unsolved, new quandaries have appeared and…..well, let's just say the reader volition exist ecstatic to know that Claret Ties (Spirit Animals #three) is available.

This review was written for Cached Under Books by jv poore.

...more than
Jul eighteen, 2015 rated it information technology was ok
The two-star rating is for *my* level of enjoyment, simply I am, admittedly and obviously, non the target audience, and I think that kids probably really enjoy this serial. For me, I don't desire to expect longer for the series to develop each of the characters into more broad-stroked caricatures of fantasy adventure protagonists. Instead of allowing the authors to create interesting, new protagonists, since at that place are iv, this series basically takes each category of main character and puts all t The two-star rating is for *my* level of enjoyment, but I am, admittedly and obviously, not the target audition, and I think that kids probably really bask this serial. For me, I don't want to wait longer for the series to develop each of the characters into more than broad-stroked caricatures of fantasy adventure protagonists. Instead of assuasive the authors to create interesting, new protagonists, since there are four, this series basically takes each category of chief graphic symbol and puts all the stereotypes into ane series. (Oh, and of course, each i is from a unlike pseudo-country, e.grand. Zhong = Mainland china.) The overarching "quest" of the series besides doesn't brand much sense (collect all of the Swell Beasts' talismans, even though no one ever explains how they'll exist useful?) and but seems similar a blatant excuse for the kids to go traipsing all over the globe (and the adults are conveniently ditched by plot devices forth the way).

This series also has a bit of a handicap for me, because information technology seems so apparently oriented towards turning turn a profit, since it'south Scholastic and information technology'southward "multiplatform." I gave information technology a shot because of its star-studded cast of authors, but even Maggie Stiefvater, couldn't give this one nuance or complexity, and it was banal enough that I'yard not immediately going to pick up the next book, despite the fact that I love Garth Nix.

I'd recommend this to younger kids, especially ones who love animals, though.

anna ♡
November 12, 2015 rated it liked it
Because... Stiefvater. Also, this Rollan kid is like pocket-sized Ronan.. XD
Kimberley doruyter
you can tell it's a different author only in very modest ways.
a good story that wonders off in a "permit'south all go our ain mode a exercise something stupid."
kind of a style.
yous can tell it'south a dissimilar writer but in very small ways.
a good story that wonders off in a "allow'due south all go our own manner a do something stupid."
kind of a way.
January 03, 2014 rated it it was ok
I tried to read the offset one in this serial and it was so bad information technology was unfinishable - the characters were all with manufactured sob stories and sorted into Sparklypoo.

This is much better than that. I read it because I really similar this author (they're doing a thing where each book in the serial has a different author).

Just honestly? Even though this is well written, and gives the characters nuance and depth and is easy to read, it'due south just so nonsensical. Fucking stupid decisions made. People are i

I tried to read the first one in this serial and it was and then bad it was unfinishable - the characters were all with manufactured sob stories and sorted into Sparklypoo.

This is much amend than that. I read it because I actually like this author (they're doing a thing where each book in the serial has a different author).

But honestly? Even though this is well written, and gives the characters nuance and depth and is easy to read, it's just and so nonsensical. Fucking stupid decisions made. People are in hand to hand combat with wild animals like panthers, and at the end no-one gets hurt. It'south impossibly bad. People beat these animals effortlessly, and they're meant to be the greatest reincarnated spirits or something. Like, seriously? And for gods sake, kill your enemies when you defeat them. It's the good guy equivalent of tying Bail up and turning on the laser and leaving the room.

Anyhow, even though the side by side author is Garth Nix who I love, I won't be continuing this serial. It is just too awful.

...more than
Elliott A
Jul 07, 2016 rated it it was ok  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Children Who Don't Care About Depth

I've never read one of Stiefvater's books earlier, but I've heard the praise.

This score isn't about the author, it's nearly my enjoyment of the book.

I thought the writing was better in this than the get-go one (though, information technology IS a dissimilar author).

The characters don't develop much, and the story stays depthless.


I've never read 1 of Stiefvater's books before, just I've heard the praise.

This score isn't about the author, it's almost my enjoyment of the book.

I idea the writing was ameliorate in this than the first ane (though, it IS a different author).

The characters don't develop much, and the story stays depthless.

Lizzy (Bent Bookworm)
~*Cheque out all my reviews over on The Aptitude Bookworm!*~

Hunted is the 2nd in the Spirit Animals series, and is written by one of my favorite authors of all time - the amazing Maggie Stiefvater! In fact, when the library was missing (of form) their copy of the second of the series, I didn't hesitate to buy a copy for myself because I was so sure it would be crawly.

three.5/5 stars, rounded to iv. I was mildly disappointed. It's non a BAD volume, by any means, I simply wanted and so much more from the ch

~*Cheque out all my reviews over on The Bent Bookworm!*~

Hunted is the second in the Spirit Animals series, and is written by ane of my favorite authors of all time - the astonishing Maggie Stiefvater! In fact, when the library was missing (of form) their re-create of the 2d of the series, I didn't hesitate to purchase a copy for myself because I was so sure information technology would be awesome.

iii.5/5 stars, rounded to four. I was mildly disappointed. It's not a BAD volume, by whatsoever ways, I just wanted so much more from the characters! I feel like we are barely getting to know them as they traipse all over the world doing all these dissimilar things - which all keep getting interrupted.

The plot WHIZZES along...which I call up will exist very good for the young centre-grade readers the serial is aimed at. I idea we'd left the horrible, sniveling Devin behind in the outset book, merely oh no! He comes back. Somehow bullying pre-teens are much scarier to me than even literal backstabbing adults. I actually felt ill during some of the scenes with him, he's just so mean!

Our quartet is off to find another reclusive Great Brute, to ask to borrow its talisman to use in the fight confronting the Conquerors coming from a far land. The Conquerors have a powerful new weapon in their quest to control all of the known lands - a replacement for the Nectar, the Bile, which forces the spirit fauna connection. Along the way all sorts of things happen...choices are made. I similar that the characters make kid-way decisions, they're not adults in kids' bodies. Of course some of the choices cause issues...simply hey, that's what happens.

Finn is an new character in this book, and I am SUPER intrigued by him, especially after what happened in the very terminal scenes of the story. Even though he's an developed, I feel similar we will see a lot more of him.

The ending is, as 1 might expect, a cliffhanger - and QUITE a cliffhanger at that! The ending and Finn are what made nosotros round this up to iv stars. I'one thousand immediately picking upwardly the next one.

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Jul ten, 2022 rated it liked it
3.5 stars
I recollect I'll give this series another chance...
3.5 stars
I think I'll requite this series some other chance...
Nora Bloom
Sep 12, 2017 rated it really liked it
This was a great book about going on a search for a great beasts talisman and finding it. My least favorite part is when Dawson convinces Conor to give the bad side the talisman in substitution for protecting Conor's family. My favorite part is when they get they go the talisman and free a great brute. This was a groovy book about going on a search for a great beasts talisman and finding it. My least favorite office is when Dawson convinces Conor to give the bad side the talisman in exchange for protecting Conor'southward family. My favorite part is when they become they get the talisman and costless a great beast. ...more than
Kyleigh M
October 12, 2022 rated information technology information technology was amazing
This volume was amazing! I thought that it might not exist great considering it was written past a different author but I wasn't disappointed when I started reading information technology. The story plot carried on perfectly and I couldn't stop turning the pages. I will go along to read the third book in the serial and can't await to find out what happens side by side. This book was amazing! I thought that it might not exist great because it was written by a different author merely I wasn't disappointed when I started reading it. The story plot carried on perfectly and I couldn't terminate turning the pages. I will proceed to read the third book in the series and can't await to observe out what happens next. ...more
What a disappoint to a great start of a story by Brandon Mull. I was amazed that an author could spend an entire book and nevertheless have no graphic symbol development. Information technology was like a 180 degree turn from who they had been developing into.
AJ (the.booknerd.reads)
This middle-grade novel was merely as amazing every bit the commencement ane. Great detail, crawly action, and super cool fight scenes. I REALLY desire a spirit animal at present!
I idea this would be more difficult to become dorsum into than it was. After remembering who each character was and what animal their bond was, information technology was pretty easy.
Devin is a specially annoying villain, because he's a bully. He's a groovy who didn't go something that the poor shepherd got so he has to steal/buy it for himself to feel special. Major Draco vibes with him.
I really liked the Scottish-esque vibes that MacDonnell'south castle gave off. Really wish they had spent more than time at that place. I loved
I thought this would be more hard to become back into than it was. Afterwards remembering who each character was and what animate being their bond was, it was pretty easy.
Devin is a particularly annoying villain, because he's a bully. He's a bully who didn't get something that the poor shepherd got so he has to steal/buy it for himself to feel special. Major Draco vibes with him.
I actually liked the Scottish-esque vibes that MacDonnell'southward castle gave off. Really wish they had spent more fourth dimension at that place. I loved Rufuss and how he lived with his boar. And he was the hero at the end and was recognized for information technology. That made me so happy.

Notes in updates.

The book was a little intense but the sound of the 3rd one sounds more than intense because of the championship called blood ties that sounds deep but it was a skillful volume you meet some new characters and places in this 1 too.
Jamie Coudeville
I go on imagining the character older than they are on the encompass, considering they seem REALLY young there. I'm glad they're starting to get along a bit better. I go on imagining the grapheme older than they are on the comprehend, because they seem Actually young there. I'm glad they're starting to get along a bit better. ...more than
Jan eighteen, 2022 rated it did non similar it
Get home, Maggie, you're drunk.
Shitty translation of shitty novel, read by shitty narrator.
Go home, Maggie, y'all're drunk.
Shitty translation of shitty novel, read past shitty narrator.
...more than
Steve Scordino
Fun book for kids which introduces the concepts of morally ambiguous option.
Nathan D
Mar 05, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
In this book the male child Derik does somthig he will not. regret. in this book they set out for the Iorn boar the tales homo of a grea creature. This volume is full of twistes and turs so yous should raed it if y'all liked the starting time book. I did not desire to frown this down it was so good. you have to read this information technology is so good.
Oct 08, 2022 rated it liked it
The book was focused on a grouping of teenagers and their personal spirits that they have. They have to take a journey to a faraway castle which they recollect volition be hiding an important figure. One of the characters that I actually liked was Rollan because of the mode he acted. He gave off a more than serious vibe which I similar. it
May 23, 2014 rated information technology actually liked information technology
Wow, a lot of books with the title Hunted. I was expecting that this second book in the Spirit Animals series would be unlike considering it is by a different author than the first i, but the writing actually felt quite consistent to me. I also thought, because of the flick on the volume cover, that each of the volumes in the serial would focus on a item character and animal. This volume pictures Conor and his wolf Briggan on the front. Just so far the stories switch betoken of view between al Wow, a lot of books with the championship Hunted. I was expecting that this second book in the Spirit Animals series would be different because it is by a different author than the first one, but the writing really felt quite consequent to me. I too thought, because of the pic on the book comprehend, that each of the volumes in the series would focus on a particular character and brute. This volume pictures Conor and his wolf Briggan on the forepart. But then far the stories switch bespeak of view between all 4 of the main characters (well, maybe this volume did focus a niggling more on Conor merely not much more). The plot line, too, is the same--an risk quest to find and collect talismans from the Great Beasts. In this book, our four heroes are hunting for Rumfuss, the Great Boar.

What intrigues me about the books are the peachy development of the characters and their bonds with and agreement of their spirit animals. New bad guys and Greencloak helpers are added or disappear in each volume, or at to the lowest degree, that is the example in this 2nd book. Joining the good guys is the mysterious and melancholy, heavily tattooed Finn, who has lost his spirit animate being. Added to the evil Heroes is Devin, the big-headed son of Earl Trunswick who has been aroused with Conor e'er since Conor called a spirit animal and he did not. Devin has been given Bile, an evil parallel to Nectar, which forces a compulsive bond with spirit animals. There are plenty new characters and complications to spice up the similar take chances quests. Our heroes are still struggling to empathize their animals and go a cohesive unit with each other. Not to mention, their concern for their families while they are off beingness heroes undermines their wholehearted commitment to a cause they are not sure is the best direction.

Unlike the first book, this i concluded with more a cliff-hanger catastrophe, pulling me to read the next in the series, Claret Ties. And yep, I immediately tried to get information technology from the library but information technology has four active holds in forepart of me and WalMart didn't have it. The fourth i Fire and Ice has 24 holds already. I call up that is an indication of the series popularity!

Kat Heckenbach
Apr 28, 2015 rated it actually liked it
I read this without reading the first book. Yeah, I read it because Maggie Stiefvater wrote it. I actually am a fan of Brandon Mull, besides, merely somehow missed the connection with volume one. Wish I'd read that one showtime.

My large mistake was thinking these were all books in the same story globe, but with unlike authors and different characters. No--they are a truthful series. Aforementioned characters throughout, equally far as I can see. And then, this limits the author's style, which of course, for me, was a disappointmen

I read this without reading the first book. Aye, I read information technology because Maggie Stiefvater wrote information technology. I actually am a fan of Brandon Mull, too, just somehow missed the connection with book 1. Wish I'd read that one start.

My big mistake was thinking these were all books in the aforementioned story earth, but with different authors and different characters. No--they are a truthful series. Aforementioned characters throughout, as far equally I can run into. And then, this limits the author's manner, which of course, for me, was a disappointment because this doesn't read like Stiefvater's other books. I didn't expect it to be similar her YA stuff--I've read Pip Barlett and really enjoyed it--but I did await more than...spunk.

Yeah, I know, that's plain, old-fashioned bias. So allow me say, I can totally see why this series will be a hit with unproblematic kids. I do love the idea behind it, the whole spirit beast thing and how they get tattoos when dormant--so absurd! I liked the characters, and they did take distinctive voices. It'due south a series I'd recommend for kids in this historic period grouping because information technology is well-written and an enjoyable story with lots of action and characters kids can relate to.

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...more than
Feb 12, 2017 rated it liked it
Significantly better than the beginning book (though in books similar this, it usually it, because the offset book lends a lot of itself to world and graphic symbol introductions.), bouts of humor and tension that grips you and keeps you turning to the next page. Well paced and never boring, if yous liked the first one then you'll honey this. BUT, at some point of the volume, a grapheme did something that, when you expect at it closely, due south/he wouldn't have done and it fabricated the story take a turn that doesn't seem t Significantly better than the first book (though in books like this, it ordinarily information technology, because the starting time book lends a lot of itself to world and grapheme introductions.), bouts of humor and tension that grips y'all and keeps yous turning to the next page. Well paced and never boring, if you liked the start 1 and then you lot'll love this. Simply, at some point of the book, a character did something that, when you look at it closely, s/he wouldn't have done and information technology made the story take a turn that doesn't seem to deserve information technology. Nigh great. Sadly, sometimes one page of a story can ruin the bigger impression it leaves you lot but similar a fly in your cake. ...more than
I liked the action in this volume and how the kids are becoming comfy with the spirit animals, especially Meilin. She seems so impatient and I call up that Jhi will indeed help her to find her balance. Of course at the end of the book, she is making a reactive pick out of frustration for what Connor has done, only she is at to the lowest degree nicer to her animal than she was in the beginning.

I observe it odd that Connor's family would write him and brunt him with their troubles. They understand how importa

I liked the action in this book and how the kids are condign comfortable with the spirit animals, peculiarly Meilin. She seems so impatient and I think that Jhi volition indeed help her to find her residue. Of course at the cease of the book, she is making a reactive choice out of frustration for what Connor has done, simply she is at least nicer to her creature than she was in the showtime.

I find it odd that Connor's family would write him and burden him with their troubles. They understand how important his mission is, but would add to his stress. As well, how could he easily trust the Earl of Trunswick. The Earl could easily damage his family AFTER he receives what he wants. Also, Dawson is only a child, he can't insure that his father volition do annihilation, merely I like Dawson. He is truly a free thinker and knows the departure betwixt correct and wrong. I hope to see him more in future installments of the serial. He shows that you lot don't need a spirit animal to make an impact. Flaming hay!

Maggie Stiefvater did an excellent job on this installment. I tend to similar these types of series where there is more than 1 writer. Y'all truly get to see the difference in their delivery and style. On to the next installment Claret Ties.

Aug 22, 2015 rated it liked it
Volume 2 of the Spirit Animals series. Mayhap non quite as exciting equally Book 1 (Wild Born)only then, we at present know the basic story line. At historic period 11, all children are supposed to be given Nectar, a magical solution that might cause the children to bail with spirit animals, joined emotionally for life. Iv kids from very assorted backgrounds potable the nectar and four very powerful spirit animals announced. These may be the same spirit animals which saved their country many years ago or they may be mod Book 2 of the Spirit Animals series. Perchance not quite as exciting equally Book 1 (Wild Built-in)but then, nosotros now know the basic story line. At age eleven, all children are supposed to be given Nectar, a magical solution that might cause the children to bond with spirit animals, joined emotionally for life. Four kids from very contrasted backgrounds drinkable the nectar and iv very powerful spirit animals appear. These may exist the same spirit animals which saved their land many years ago or they may be modern versions of the aforementioned animals merely that hardly matters. What is of import is that the kids bond properly with their animals and so they tin all fight to defeat the invaders.

In that location is a lot of adventure and a lot of fighting, simply at that place is too a lot of observation and then figuring things out. Along the way the kids have to larn to work as a squad, to depend upon their spirit animals and each other.

4th grade and up, adventure/fantasy, boys and girls.

...more than
Jul 02, 2014 rated information technology information technology was astonishing
I love this book! It is the second all-time close behind Burn and Ice.

Summary Time!

The four are searching for a new talisman. The Fe Boar of Rumfuss, to exist verbal.
As they trek through the due north, they have the help of Finn, a retire Greencloak warrior who has lost his Spirit Animal.
In the woods, conquerors attack. They all fight bravely, until an Adder is thrown at their mentor, Tarik, and he is bitten. He falls to the ground in pain, as the fight is finished.
With the horses gone, Conor, Rollan and T

I dear this book! Information technology is the 2d best close behind Fire and Ice.

Summary Time!

The four are searching for a new talisman. The Iron Boar of Rumfuss, to be verbal.
As they trek through the n, they take the assistance of Finn, a retire Greencloak warrior who has lost his Spirit Beast.
In the woods, conquerors assault. They all fight bravely, until an Adder is thrown at their mentor, Tarik, and he is bitten. He falls to the ground in pain, as the fight is finished.
With the horses gone, Conor, Rollan and Tarik walk very slowly, due to the poison making Tarik weaker and weaker past the second. At the safe house, Lady Evelyn insists that Tarik stays back, every bit he can barely move.
So Finn, Conor, and Rollan go along the mission
And at the finish of the book, they don't even bother to get Tarik! Only Adept news, in the next book Blood Ties, Tarik appears to be strong and healthy.

Aug 29, 2016 rated information technology really liked information technology
Spirit Animals: Hunted by Maggie Stiefvater is a volume most kids about xi years former who are able to summon spirits of animals who share the same personalities every bit themselves. As a kid who love fiction and action filled books I would recommend this book to people who similar the Harry Potter series. Although people might say it'southward Science fiction it has some medieval features. Even though others who gauge to much about things might say it has magic and monsters considering I said it was medieval, it's not Spirit Animals: Hunted past Maggie Stiefvater is a book virtually kids well-nigh 11 years old who are able to summon spirits of animals who share the same personalities as themselves. As a kid who love fiction and activeness filled books I would recommend this book to people who like the Harry Potter series. Although people might say it's Science fiction it has some medieval features. Even though others who guess to much about things might say information technology has magic and monsters considering I said it was medieval, information technology'southward not true, it has none of those things at all. It has a sort of rebellious side of the good guys but is like the times of King Arthur. ...more than
New York Times bestselling author of The Shiver Trilogy, The Raven Cycle, and The Scorpio Races. Artist. Commuter of things with wheels. Gorging reader.

Maggie Stiefvater plays several musical instruments (most infamously, the bagpipes) and makes art in several media (most generally, colored pencils).

She lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her married man, their two children, many dogs, a bunch

New York Times bestselling author of The Shiver Trilogy, The Raven Cycle, and The Scorpio Races. Artist. Driver of things with wheels. Avid reader.

Maggie Stiefvater plays several musical instruments (nearly infamously, the bagpipes) and makes art in several media (near generally, colored pencils).

She lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her husband, their two children, many dogs, a bunch of fainting goats, and a mating pair of growly tuner cars.

...more than

Other books in the series

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Main Characters of Spirit Animals Book 2 Hunted



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